Babel - Manga
In a world where the Tower of Babel can grant individuals powers, a group called the Karma Police will try to stop a sinister association, plotting in the shadows to take control of Society.
In a world where the Tower of Babel can grant individuals powers, a group called the Karma Police will try to stop a sinister association, plotting in the shadows to take control of Society.
You were playing that game with Roxanne not with the snake and evil man they changed your memories
I don't know why am I even reading .. But as a reader how much I hate it.. I gotta see it till the end.. And till now..the's trash.. He doesn't even show a sign of regrets.. Even when she became like that because of him... Sometimes they show it.. But more than regrets.or hatred. It's more like... He's doing it for himself..
Wow... So sorry for Seoyoon, his mother is just crazy...
Littera, as a Double Reincarnated, can cosplay as a P12 from Psi Corps.
There is a tracker on the armour well the armour also made of mithril that much expected