Half & Half (Seo Kouji)

Half & Half (Seo Kouji)
Half & Half (Seo Kouji) Rank: 3.4/5 - 5 Rating(s)


HALF & HALF(1996) A debut manga work by Seo Kouji HALF & HALF (2007) Nagakawa Shinichi and Sanada Yuuki both get involved in an accident and die together, but they are given a chance to live again. A voice lets them survive for seven more days. However, that after the time limit, one of two must die again. Also, their lives will be shared, including emotions (guilt) and physical sensations (pain). They are told not to leave the other's side, else both of them die. Now, with each of them wanting to save his/her own life, how will the next seven days of non-separation be like? Will they get along? Half & half (2012) Serialized in Bessatsu Shonen Magazine

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Lastest comment
  • Who Stole Empress Chapter 22

    SabrinaSaona SabrinaSaona 3 minutes ago

    Bro, no, I liked you emoji

  • A Beast Swallowed by a Flower Chapter 3

    Emtato Emtato 6 minutes ago

    The steamy teasers emojiemoji

  • When the Black Wolf Calls Me Chapter 10

    Lazy cat Lazy cat 8 minutes ago

    Usually at this point one gives up. 🙄It would be the most mature and dignified choice. Listen girl, it's not like he's cheating and it's not that because you like a person they automatically belong to you. Shesh... 

  • Please Look at Jasmine! Chapter 22

    Floppy Floppy 9 minutes ago

    I'm confused with the "crown princess"... Is there one or two ???? The friend of ML we saw at the beginning had yellow eyes, and the one here has red/purple eyes but looks exactly the same... are these sisters ? or is it a color mistake and there's only 1 ? And they are cousins of ML ? And what has "he's from korean-american background" has to do in a "historical" manhwa ???? They have Korean and America in this world ???

  • Selena Chapter 74

    ★gravitando★ ★gravitando★ 9 minutes ago
